December 19, 2007

The Man who is Brett Favre

Thanks for sending this to me lil Bro. Go to this web site. Beneath the video are 5 more pages of videos. Click on page 4 then select the video on the right for Brett Favre " Make a Wish" I also suggest before you watch it you grab some Kleenex.

Posted by mark at 11:34 PM | Comments (0)

December 9, 2007

Save the Clock Tower

A friend of ours, thanks Vicki, invited us to a cocktail party at the top of the world largest four faced clock. I had wanted to go to the Allen Bradley Clock since about 1981! The history was interesting. The company was splendid. Jack the bartender and tour guide was both knowledgeable and entertaining. Just ask Kathy and Siobhan with Jack in the middle. Each side of the clock is 40 feet across and forty feet tall. Jack took us behind and was showing Pat the bullet hole while Randy was looking up at the top. The gearing for each clocks had was smaller then I had expected and can seen over Pat’s shoulder. The rest of the pictures can be found here.


Posted by mark at 5:27 PM